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来源:网络整理  发布者:admin  发布时间:2024-09-08 08:38:09

本篇文章给大家谈谈stayc芝加哥舞台,以及芝加哥音乐会对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 今天给各位分享stayc芝加哥舞台的知识,其中也会对芝加哥音乐会进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!

  1. 一首很老的歌?


If You Leave Me Now

歌曲原唱 Chicago(芝加哥乐队)

所属专辑 Chicago X


if you leave me now 如果你现在离开我

you'll take away the biggest part of me 你将带走我最要的部分

woo no baby please don't go woo.宝贝不要走

and if you leave me now 如果你现在离开我

you'll take away the very heart of me 你将带走我最要的部分

woo no baby please don't go woo,宝贝不要走

woo girl i just want you to stay woo .女孩 ,我只想让你呆着

a love like ours is love that's hard to find 我们的爱是很难寻找的

how could we let it slip away 我们要怎样让它溜走

we've come too far to leave it all behind我们来的太远以至于不能让它远去

how could we end it all this way我们应该这样用尽方法来结束

when tomorrow comes we'll both regret当明天来临的时候我们都将遗憾

the things we said today今天我们所说的事

a love like ours is love that's hard to find我们的爱是很难寻找的

how could we let it slip away我们怎样让它溜走

we've come too far to leave it all behind我们来的太远以至于不能让它远去

how could we end it all this way我们应该这样用尽方法来结束

when tomorrow comes we'll both feel bad当明天来临的时候我们都将难过

the things we said today我们今天所说的事情

if you leave me now如果你现在离开我

you'll take away the biggest part of me你将带走我最重要的不分

woo no baby please don't go宝贝请不要走

woo girl, just got to have you by my side女孩、只要要你在我的身边

woo no baby please don't go 宝贝不要走

woo mama i just got to have your loving, yeah~我只想取得你的爱

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