剧名:《The Lost Wallet》
1. John - A businessman
2. Sarah - John#39;s secretary
3. Tom - A street vendor
4. Police Officer
Scene 1: John#39;s Office
(John is sitting at his desk, looking worried. Sarah enters)
Sarah: Good morning, John. You seem troubled. What#39;s wrong?
John: My wallet is missing. I had it this morning when I came to the office.
Sarah: That#39;s strange. Have you checked your car?
John: Yes, I have. It#39;s not there either.
Sarah: Maybe you left it at home?
John: No, I didn#39;t. I remember having it when I left for the office.
Sarah: Hmm... well, don#39;t worry. We#39;ll find it.
(Scene transition)
Scene 2: Street
(Tom is selling fruits on the street corner. He finds a wallet on the ground)
Tom: (picks up the wallet and looks inside) Oh, a wallet! Someone must have lost it.
(Police Officer approaches Tom)
Police Officer: Hi, what do you have there?
Tom: I found this wallet on the ground. There#39;s a lot of cash in it.
Police Officer: Let me see. (inspects the wallet) This belongs to Mr. John Smith, a businessman in this city. He must be worried sick about it.
Tom: Really? How can we return it to him?
Police Officer: Leave it to me. (takes the wallet) I#39;ll make sure he gets it back.
(Scene transition)
Scene 3: John#39;s Office
(John is still at his desk, looking worried. The Police Officer enters)
Police Officer: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. I think I have something that belongs to you.
John: (looks up, surprised) My wallet! Where did you find it?
Police Officer: A street vendor found it and handed it over to me.
John: (relieved) Thank you so much, officer. You have no idea how worried I was.
Police Officer: You#39;re welcome, sir. Just remember to be more careful with your belongings in the future.
John: I will. Thank you again.
(Scene transition)
Scene 4: Street
(Tom is still selling fruits on the street corner when John approaches him)
John: Excuse me, are you the one who found my wallet?
Tom: Yes, I am. Are you Mr. John Smith?
John: Yes, I am. Thank you so much for returning it to me. Here, take this as a token of my appreciation. (hands Tom some money)
Tom: (surprised) Oh, thank you, sir! But it was nothing, really. I#39;m just glad I could help.
John: Well, thank you anyway. Have a good day!
Tom: You too, sir! Have a great day!
(End of the play)
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